The trip to UK (part 1) – Exhibition in CFCCA
RareKind Illustration Agency has teamed up with The Temporary to showcase the diverse visual identities of graffiti and street artists from China and the UK, who have been invited to create original work that responds to our 30-year history and the international context of street art.
Graffiti and street art is a global phenomenon still viewed as an underground ‘subculture’. This project goes beyond conventional understandings of graffiti and street art to collaborate with writers, academics, illustrators and graphic designers and will extend beyond the gallery walls into Manchester’s city centre to engage local communities through workshops, public interventions and a tour. This includes collaboration with Outhouse Mcr’s public graffiti spaces in the Northern Quarter from January to March.
Rarekind China 聯同 CFCCA 30 週年,於展館一舉行中英兩地街頭藝術家聯合展覽。展期為 2月5日到 4 月3日。這次展覽以藝術家單獨作品、及兩地藝術家聯合作品,以限量 Giclee print 或 screen print 海報形式展出。
除了展館一的街頭藝術聯展,CFCCA 以 timeline 形式展示画廊 30 年間的所有展覽及活動紀錄,還有來自中國的徐冰的個人展覽。
2 月 5 日晚上是 CFCCA 30 週年開幕派對,亦是 Rarekind China 兩地街頭藝術聯展的開幕。
在眾多來賓、藝術家及媒體下,我們在玻璃上准行 live painting。
在展覽中很高興認識到一些當地知名藝術家,尤其是與 Rainbo 合作作的 Krek, 及 old skool 傳期人物 45 rpm。
當晚 Opening party 非常熱鬧,整棟兩層的 CFCCA 都擠滿了來賓。
最後當然要多謝 Rarekind China 的策劃人 Andy Cook 及 The Temporary 的 Rachel。