UK trip sharing at Part-of Gallery
英倫塗鴉之旅20天 2016的農曆新年, After WorkShop 的 Uncle 和 Rainbo 塗鴉旅行首次踏進歐洲, 從曼切斯特市中心到倫敦塗鴉聖地, 回港後將和大家分享這20天英倫塗鴉之旅的一點一滴。 日期: 20/3/2016 (星期日) 時間: 2:30pm-5:00pm 地點:Part-of Gallery 香港灣仔適安街16號地下 (皇后大道東99號旁) ...
The trip to UK (part 1) – Exhibition in CFCCA
RareKind Illustration Agency has teamed up with The Temporary to showcase the diverse visual identities of graffiti and street artists from China and the UK, who have been invited to create original w …